How do I know when my baby is tired?
This is such a common question and one that is easily missed or mistaken for hunger. Although babies are unable to talk, they can very clearly show us when they are tired. Newborns show tired signs through a range of different behaviours. It is important to read these signs early before they are exacerbated. When a baby shows these tired signs, it is important to wind them down and get them ready for bed. If your baby is tired, you might see some of the following tired signs:
Pulling ears
Rubbing eyes
Becoming more grizzly than usual
Difficulty focusing
Red eyebrows
Clenching fists
Jerky motions
Frowning or worried look
Sucking on fingers
Although I often tell parents that newborns 0-6 weeks should be awake no longer than 40-60 minutes it is important not to look at the clock but rather look at your baby. Use your common sense and if they are starting to look tired at 30 minutes then commence your wind down routine. It is important to start winding down for a nap and reducing stimulation. This can be done by:
Taking your baby into a dim lit room.
Swaddle your baby with their arms wrapped snuggly and allow hips to be loose.
Offer a dummy if using one to provide a sense of tranquillity. Offering breast, bottle or a dummy will switch on the calming reflex, which will release calming cerebral endorphins.
Commence continuous white noise.
As time goes on you will find it easier to recognise these tired cues. Putting your baby down before they become over tired will not only make them nap better but will decrease the amount of settling time as well.